
Tino's Ice Cream Shoppe features seven flavors: vanilla, chocolate, pistachio, coconut, blackberry, lemon, and saffron. Tino will gladly make you an ice cream shake featuring any two scoops you want (not necessarily of different flavors). For example, you can order blackberry-vanilla, or pistachio-saffron, or even chocolate-chocolate. Since the scoops are just going into the blender anyway, the order of the scoops doesn't matter: there's no difference between blackberry-vanilla and vanilla-blackberry.

How many different shakes can you order?

 Jan 16, 2018

Well..we have  7 shakes where the same flavor is used for both scoops


Then....we can choose  any  2 of 7 for the rest  = C(7,2)  = 21


So....the total  possible number of shakes is  7 +  21  =   28



cool cool cool

 Jan 16, 2018

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