

How much salt should Ilya add to 810g of water to make 10% solution? How much solution will he make?

 Nov 24, 2017

Best Answer 


Let  s  be the number of grams of salt in the solution.


We want....


number of grams of salt / number of grams of solution   =   10 / 100


s / (810 + s)   =   10 / 100

                                               Multiply both sides of the equation by  810 + s .

s   =   (810 + s) * 10 / 100

                                               Distribute the  10/100 .

s   =   81 + 0.1s

                                               Subtract  0.1s  from both sides.

0.9s   =   81

                                               Divide both sides by  0.9 .

s   =   90


So Ilya needs to add  90  grams of salt.


That makes  90 + 810  =  900 grams of solution.

 Nov 24, 2017
Best Answer

Let  s  be the number of grams of salt in the solution.


We want....


number of grams of salt / number of grams of solution   =   10 / 100


s / (810 + s)   =   10 / 100

                                               Multiply both sides of the equation by  810 + s .

s   =   (810 + s) * 10 / 100

                                               Distribute the  10/100 .

s   =   81 + 0.1s

                                               Subtract  0.1s  from both sides.

0.9s   =   81

                                               Divide both sides by  0.9 .

s   =   90


So Ilya needs to add  90  grams of salt.


That makes  90 + 810  =  900 grams of solution.

hectictar Nov 24, 2017

Thanks very much!

joebob  Nov 24, 2017

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