
When you enter sin, cos or tan in the calculator, why is it required to change the mode from radians to degrees? Is it because radians are some other unit that are not used when calculating an angle of a right triangle?

e.g  sin(20) in radians is: ≈ .913

and sin(20) in degrees is: ≈  .342 

Thanks for the help.


edit: thanks!

 Feb 18, 2019
edited by Guest  Feb 18, 2019

1 rad ≈   57.29° = 1/ (2pi) the circumference of a circle


1 degree =   1/360  the circumference of a circle


sin (20 radians)  =  sin ( ≈ [20 *57.29] ° )  =  sin ( ≈ 1145.8°) =  sin (≈ 65.8°)


Which is far different from sin (20°)



cool cool cool

 Feb 18, 2019

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