
I'm trying to figure out this new formula. Can anybody show me how's it done?

 Feb 2, 2019

1)     Note that  we have this


1/Alaina's time  +  1/Aliya's time  =  1/Time for both to do the job

Let's fill in what we know


1/8  +  1/Aliya's Time  =  1/5       subtract  1/8  from both side


1/Aliya's Time  =   1/5 - 1/8


1/Aliya's Time   =   8/40 - 5/40


1/Aliya's Time =  3/40     (1)


Note  one thihg......  that   if    3/4 = 9/12      then it is also true that   4/3 = 12/9


So....this implies that (1)  can be written as


Aliya"s Time / 1  =  40/3


Aliya's Time =  40/3  hrs  =  13.3  hrs. to do the job by herself  !!!



cool cool cool

 Feb 2, 2019

(2)  Got to be careful here.....we want everything in hours....so

80min/ 60min = 4/3 hrs


So.....we have this equation


1/2 + 1 / (4/3)  = 1/ Time for both to do the job


Note 1 /( 4/3)   = 3/4


So we have


1/2 +   3/4  =  1 /Time for both to do the job


2/4 + 3/4  = 1 /Time for both to do the job


5/4  = 1 /Time for both to do the job    


And using our "trick" from the previous problem we can write


4/5  = Time for both to do the job   = 4/5 hours   =  .8hrs        (.8 *60 = 48 min )



We can check this

Note that  since it takes you 120 min to complete the job.... each minute you complete 1/120 of the job

And your friend completes (1/80) of the job in one minute




Time you work * (1/120)  + time your friend works (1/80)  =


48(1/120) + 48(1/80) = 


48/120  + 48/180  =  1 (whole job done)




cool cool cool

 Feb 2, 2019

Note one other thing.....when we know the rate for each person....it is easy to solve these


For example....you do a job in 10 hrs and your friend does it in 8 hrs


We have


1/8 + 1/10


5 / 40  + 4/40 =   9/40


"Flip" this fraction  = 40/9  = 4.44 hrs =   time for both of you to do the job together !!!



cool cool cool

 Feb 2, 2019

Thanks for the help CPhill! This all makes sense now for this new formula.



GAMEMASTERX40  Feb 2, 2019

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