
Earth's diameter = 12,742 km

Earth's radius     = 6,371 km

Earth's volume   = 6,371 × 6,371 × 6,371 × 4/3 π (assuming Earth is spherical)

                           = (1.083206917 × 1012) km3

Volume of water in Earth (assuming percentage of water in Earth = 71%)

= (7.69076911 × 1011 ) km3




Earth's surface area = 4π × 6,371 × 6,371

                                 = (5.100644719 × 108 )km2

Surface area of water in Earth (assuming percentage of water in Earth = 71%)

= (3.621457751 × 108) km2


I'm not sure if my statement is correct.

 May 1, 2016

One major mistake you make is to take 71% of volume of the Earth as being water to the depth of the Earth's center, which is not true. The average depth of the oceans is about 2-2.5 km. In fact, the volume of the water on Earth is about 1.338 x 10^9 km^3.

 May 1, 2016

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