
john wants to place a layer of mulch on top of his 12ft by 24ft vegetable garden. if a 1.5ft^3 bag of mulch costs $4, how much will it cost to place a 3-inch layer of mulch on the garden?

 Feb 20, 2015

Best Answer 


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 Mar 1, 2015

Alright, so I was curious to give this question the old college try, and here's what I came back with. Lol. 


Starting off, we know that John's vegetable garden is 12' by 24'. We also know the volume of the mulch bags he'll be using are 1.53ft, and that they cost $4/bag.


Garden Area = 12ft * 24ft = 288ft2

Volume of Mulch Bag = 1.53ft = 3.375ft3


To find out how much area one mulch bag covers, spread at a height of 3'', we'll permutate our cube's dimensions proportionately. We know that the volume does not change, the height is 3'', and that the width and length of our cube are equal to one another. 


Width = x

Length = x

Height = 0.25' (Converted from inches to feet)


$$Volume = L * W * H = 3.375ft^3$$



Replacing what we know in the Volume equation gives us: 


$$3.375 = 0.25 * X^2$$


Solving for X gives us:


$$X^2 = 13.5ft^2$$

$$X = sqrt(13.5) \approx 3.674ft$$


Now, we know that one bag of mulch covers 13.5ft2 at a height of three inches. We divide the area of John's garden, by the area of one bag of mulch at 3" tall.


$${\frac{{\mathtt{288}}\left[{{ft}}^{{\mathtt{2}}}\right]}{\left({\mathtt{13.5}}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}\left({\frac{{{\mathtt{ft}}}^{{\mathtt{2}}}}{{\mathtt{bag}}}}\right)\right)}} = {\mathtt{21.33}}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{\mathtt{bags}}$$


Multiply this by John's cost per bag, giving us:


$$\left({\mathtt{21.33}}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{\mathtt{bags}}\right){\mathtt{\,\times\,}}{\mathtt{4}}{\mathtt{\,\times\,}}\left({\frac{{\mathtt{dollar}}}{{\mathtt{bag}}}}\right) = {\mathtt{85.33}}{dollar}$$


It'll cost $85.33.

 Feb 20, 2015

3 in= .25 ft

So we have

12 x 24 x .25 = 72 cu ft

Each bag covers 1.5 cu ft


72 / 1.5 = 48 bags required  x $4 per bag = $192


 Feb 21, 2015

Well, Sorasyn it’s a good thing you went to college where you leaned to permutate dimensions. I’ve never heard of it. The closest is permutate wood. This was a program control on a machine used by Purina to make termite food from shipping pallets.


Any way, "Mary, Mary, is quite contrary watching her garden grow. It seems her gardener didn’t buy enough mulch. It’s understandable though, her gardener has the blight of CDD. Permutating this we have DDC and DCD.


Well, until next time, Sorasyn Keep up the permutations.

 Feb 21, 2015

Funny troll. Maybe Sorasyn formula permutate the cube to termite food instead of mulch. Maybe some DDT will k**l termites and cure CDD. Hahaha

Why he get 3 points for wrong answer?

 Feb 21, 2015

Well it was a shot. Lol.

 Feb 21, 2015

Root’s idea is a good one. How about it, Sorasyn, can you modify DDT to cure CDD? If so, you will be on the short list to win the Nobel Prize –or at least some permutation of it.


I would add a few more snarky comments, but Melody uses an algorithm that does a fair job of permutating snarky comments into Scooby snacks.


Why he get 3 points for wrong answer?

It balances out.  I sometimes get negative points for great answers. We trolls like them. It means we’re doing a good job.

 Feb 21, 2015

I gave Sorasyn 3 points for a good try.....and since I'm a mod....I have the power to giveth ....or taketh away.....


 Feb 21, 2015

Well, Root, you have your answer: Mod = God ± 3 points. However, that’s not their greatest power. The mod version of Zeus’s lightning bolts are what you have to pay attention to. In an instant, a fine piece of troll art and labor will be vaporized and rendered invisible to all except the forum’s gods. Hera turns the best ones into tasty, baked Scooby snacks.


Yep, the gods have some fine art to admire while having a snack. Although, they do have to sweep up vast amounts of gutter clutter tossed about by the Morlock-classed (morlockus troglodytes) trolls. I suppose the private art collection and snacks are really just a minor gratuity. I’m happy to contribute to the gratuity jar and offering plate.

 Feb 21, 2015

Yes well Nauseated, you are correct about one thing, troll droppings are the only private offerings that us moderator 'Gods' are ever given. 


Doesn't really pay to be a 'God' does it.  

 Feb 22, 2015

Yeah....we "Gods" get droppings from "doGs".......this is only a slight permutation.....I don't think Sorasyn would mind.........

After all...."Nauseated" does almost permute to "Seated A**s".....well....give or take an "s" or two......Mmmmmm.....I'm beginning to see EXACTLY where those droppings are originating from, now.......

And before it's pointed out....yes "CPhill" almost permutes to "Phallic".....give or take an "a"...or two....which is only one step away from being  "Richard Cranium"......  I'll let the "slower ones" use Google Translate for further understanding.....

 Feb 22, 2015

LMAO! You could be a standup comedy writer, CPhill --or at least a sit down comedy writer.


Who would ever think permutations could generate so much humor? But they do:



 Feb 28, 2015

that link doesn't work Nauseated

 Feb 28, 2015
Best Answer

OK. The link now functions.

Nauseated Mar 1, 2015

You are right Nauseated. 

Permutations can be highly amusing.   

Thanks Chris and Nauseated.

 Mar 1, 2015

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