
4. Which of the following binomials is a factor of the quadratic 4x^2 - 35x + 24? Try to do this without factoring but by using the Remainder Theorem.


(1) x + 6


(2) x - 4


(3) x - 8


(4) x + 2


5. Which of the following linear expressions is a factor of the cubic polynomial x^3 + 9x^2 + 16x - 12?


(1) x + 6


(2) x - 1


(3) x - 3


(4) x + 2

 Feb 10, 2019

Here's how to do the first one, GM


Evaluate    - 6 , 4, 8  and - 2   in the polynomial   [ one at a time, of course ]


Whichever gives you a 0   [ maybe more than one ]  will be the answer(s)


For example....if we put -6 into the polynomial and get 0,  then  [ x - (-6)  ]    = x + 6  will be an answer


If you have any questions.....let me know....



cool cool cool

 Feb 10, 2019

5. Is done similarly


Remember that if  x - a is a factor.....then a is a root.....in other words...P(a) will equal 0


So....for x + 6     we can write   [ x - (-6) ]


And   "a" =  - 6


So....put -6 into the polynomial....if you get 0,  then x + 6 is a factor


Do the same thing for  (2)  (3) and (4)


If you are confused....let me know....this IS a little tricky  !!!!



cool cool cool

 Feb 10, 2019

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