
Are there some rules for differential equations to know by looking at them if they are seperable? I couldn't see any in google. Such as dy/dx= ln(xy), (sinx)(cosxy), sin(x+y), x/y, (x+y).  =So trying to solve the ln(xy) we get two dx, and that can't happen. What are other tricks for identifying these. I don't know how to work with the sin, cos etc well. I see that sin(x) + sin(y) not equal to sin (x+y) but i dont know this applies to all sin/cos/tan/inverse of these etc. Or how to really seperate them when transposing. Additionally, just what to be looking for. Thanks. Hopefully something comes from this post to assist me.

 Aug 9, 2014

Best Answer 


Have a look at the Quick reference section of http://www.mathcentre.ac.uk/students/topics/differential-equations/differentialequations2/ There is a pdf on Solving Differential Equations By Separating Variables which might help. 

 Aug 9, 2014

I think no xy muliplied is seperable? Is that true and the only rule?

 Aug 9, 2014
Best Answer

Have a look at the Quick reference section of http://www.mathcentre.ac.uk/students/topics/differential-equations/differentialequations2/ There is a pdf on Solving Differential Equations By Separating Variables which might help. 

Alan Aug 9, 2014

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