
You do not have enough status here to present any question as a challenge question.

Let alone a whole stack of questions at one time.


We are not here to do all your homework for you.

 Nov 6, 2019
edited by Melody  Nov 6, 2019

Lol Challenge Problem is like clickbait...


most of us like challenges in math, especially those challenges with elegant solutions. I enjoy and maybe am a little addicted to that rush of dopamine when I solve a problem with an elegant solution.

 Nov 6, 2019

ah,,,people are trying to find new ways to try to trick people into doing their homework...that's really sad. 
I really don't understand why they don't try to learn or if they do understand it, do it themselves. It's not really anybody's responsibility to do anybody's homeworks for them...as people are here to teach not to be your personal robots who solve problems for you. Though I know i should keep my thoughts to myself, It kind of upsets me in a way, because people are only fooling themselves. But unfortunately, in life there are people like that who try to take advantage in a negative way,,,but it's not like this affects us...as they are only harming themselves by not properly learning the material and not getting enough practice. Heck if i was them, i would LOVE to do more problems,,,because practice is only going to make your brain proccess faster, and then you're gonna do well on your tests because you get to finish it faster and have more time to check and be sure that you did things right. 

 Nov 6, 2019
edited by Nirvana  Nov 6, 2019

please stop deleting my response ;-; i swear i'm not cheating

 Nov 9, 2019

i swear it's not homework. it's a piece of extra voluntary work from an exercise book! pls believe me. i'm just really bad at counting and probability problems!

Guest Nov 9, 2019

why would you assume he/she is cheating? idk, seems shady to me...

you can just say you don't want to solve it ;)

 Nov 9, 2019

OK. We’ll say it: 

We don’t want to answer the questions from homework cheaters.

We don’t want cheaters posting homework questions.

We don’t want click-bait.

 BUT ... We do want you... to shut-the-fuckup!   

Guest Nov 9, 2019

excuse me....

from what i've seen on this forum, 90% of it is homework! my friend takes an online math class, and i saw most of them posted here as well! why yell at one person for doing it when 1000 more people do? why don't you try to stop these other people who post multiple a day? i've seen michaelcai, melanie or whatever their usernames are do the exact same thing! but does anyone else say anything? no! you assume they are good people, idk why, maybe they actually have an account, but still! they still do the same thing. it's like punishing one person for using their phone in class and not the whole class. also anonymousconfusedguy too! i can go on and on exposing people but i don't want to. make you should stfu. :)

Guest Nov 9, 2019

ooh, forgot Dabae. it's also mellie, not melanie. oopsie. 

Guest Nov 9, 2019

see no one has anything to say anymore. 

 Nov 11, 2019

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