
What real value of t produces the smallest value of the quadratic t^2-9t-36?

 Jul 13, 2021

Minimizing, to obtain t^2-9t-36 = -225/4. The value of t is 9/2

 Jul 13, 2021


What real value of t produces the smallest value of the quadratic t^2-9t-36?  


t2 – 9t – 36 factors to (t – 12)(t + 3).   The smaller value there would be t = –3


I read the previous answer first, and I can't figure out where the –225/4 came from.  

 Jul 13, 2021

Hi xy   laugh

Thanks for answering HSDx and guest  cool   But, guest, my answer is for you to learn from as well    wink


What real value of t produces the smallest value of the quadratic t^2-9t-36?

maybe it will make more sense to you change the t to an x and then put it equal to y


\(y=x^2-9x-36 \)

Now you are being asked for the smallest value of x

     If you graph this you will get a concave up parabola.

    I know this becasue the x^2 makes it a parabola

    and the invisable number in front of the x^2 is  +1. 

    Since it is + the parabola will be concave up.


The lowest point of a concave up parabola will be the turning point. The x value for it which will be halfway between the roots.


roots are when y=0 so


\(0=x^2-9x-36\\ 0=(x-12)(x+3)\\ x=12\;\;or \;\;x=-3 \)


Halfway between the roots is  x= (12+-3)/2 = 4.5


That is the x value (actually the t value) that you want.     t=4.5


that is the value that will give the expression the smallest value.

If you wanted to find that smallest value then you would sub 4=4.5 back into the expression.



Melody  Jul 13, 2021
edited by Melody  Jul 13, 2021


Melody, thank you for going to the trouble to explain that to me.  I get it.  Your explanation made it easy to understand. 

Guest Jul 14, 2021

Thanks very much guest, I am glad I could help   laugh

Melody  Jul 14, 2021

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