
Which point is collinear with points A and B?





 Aug 2, 2019
If you draw a line that passes through points  A  and  B ,  
would that line also pass through point  D ?  No



would that line also pass through point  T ?  No  
would that line also pass through point  E ?  No



would that line also pass through point  R ?  Yes  
So point  R  is collinear with points  A  and  B .



 Aug 2, 2019

thanks amill Hectictar



travisio  Aug 2, 2019
edited by travisio  Aug 2, 2019

Thanks amill Hectictar, but I’m too fucking busy pointing up my question posts and thank you posts to give you a point for answering the question.  This makes me a rude, indifferent assshole. Maybe I’ll out grow it someday, but in the mean time, everyone will just have to eatshit!

Guest Aug 3, 2019
edited by Guest  Aug 3, 2019

this is quite inappropriate for some users


Thanks amill Hectictar, but I’m too f***ing busy pointing up my question posts and thank you posts to give you a point for answering the question.  This makes me a rude, indifferent a**hole. Maybe I’ll out grow it someday, but in the mean time, everyone will just have to eats**t!


try to refrane from cussing please because you have young people on her from age 8-14 and older but the young ones are the ones im worried about (excluding me im 15 and i cuss) but try to use an asktrise (e.g.  f***ing) or just not use them on here plz

travisio  Aug 3, 2019

You are right guest.

There are 6 points allocated on this thread.

Every one of them is both given by and allocated to Travisio.  He is very generous to himself.



I will give one to Hectictar. I cannot give more at this time.

Thanks for helping Hectictar   laugh

 Aug 6, 2019

1 Online Users