
Let point A be (2,7) and point B be (-6, -3). What point is on the segment connecting A and B such that the distance from the point to B is 4 times the distance from the point to A?


Thanks in advance!

 Jun 24, 2020

For the didtance to be 4 times the distance from B as A   the segment must be divided into (4+1) = 5 segments

   so we want the point that is 1/5 of the way from A to B


x    from A   to B   is     2   to   - 6   =   -8 units       1/5 * -8    +  2  =    0.4

y    from A   to B   is     7 to    -3    =   -10 units      1/5 * -10  +  7    = 5     

 Jun 24, 2020

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