
\((101+97)(101-97)+(93+89)(93-89)+\cdots +(5+1)(5-1)\)

 Jun 25, 2020

Here's a hint!






Notice that the end numbers are always 4, and the pattern. (How the first number decreases)


Hope this helps!

 Jun 25, 2020

Welcome back Cal! I think the numbers increase by 64 each time...?  I don't know how that's supposed to help me tho..

AnimalMaster  Jun 25, 2020

Look for a pattern in the (x+y) terms. The (x-y) terms remain the same.

 Jun 26, 2020

Use this "closed form" formula to sum them up;


∑[4*(198 - 16n), n, 0, 12 ] = 5,304

 Jun 26, 2020

101 + 97 = 198


93 + 89 = 182


Subtract 198 from 182, so 16 is the common length.



so we have 4(198 + 182 + ... + 6)


This is an arithmatic sequence so 


(6 + 198)/2 * number in sequence


We know we add 12 each time so 198-6 = 192, 192/12 = 16

+ 1 for the first term


204/2 , * 17


Then, multiply 4, and that is your answer.

 Jun 26, 2020

If you look at the "first terms", the 101, 93, ... 5, these have a difference of 8.

We can use this difference to express not only the "first terms" (101, 93, ... 5) but also the "second terms"

(97, 89, ... 1):


If n = 0:     8n + 5  =  5        8n + 1  =  1


If n = 11,   8n + 5  =  93      8n + 1  =  89

If n = 12,  8n + 5  =  101     8n + 1  =  97


Also note that if you multiply the expressions together, you get a difference of squares:

  (101 + 97)(101 - 97)  =  1012 - 972  =  792

  (93 + 89)(93 - 89)      =  932 - 892     =  729


  (5 + 1)(5 - 1)  =  52 - 12  =  24


If we rewrite the numbers using the  8n + 5  and  8n + 1  forms;

    [ (8n + 5) + (8n + 1) ] ·[ (8n + 5) - (8n + 1) ]  

=    (8n + 5)2 - (8n + 1)2 

=    64n2 + 80n + 25) - (64n2 + 16n + 1)

=    64n + 24    [this clearly indicates that it will be an arithmetic progression with a common difference of 64]


First term:  n = 0     --->   value  = 24

Last term:  n = 12   --->   value = 792         [there are 13 term]


Sum  =  (13)(24 + 792) / 2  =  5304

 Jun 26, 2020

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