
Justin, Alexander, Benjamin, Jordan, and Zachary each had a different amount of money. They all went to the mall and brought their money. At the mall, each person spent a fraction of the money they started out with. They started out with: $48, $60, $96, $12, and $72. At the mall one spent 5/6 of their money, one spent 1/2 of their money, one spent 1/12 of their money, one spent 11/12 of their money, and one spent 1/3 of their money. How much money did each person spend at the mall? How much money does each person have left?


1. Justin has $24 left after spending money at the mall.
2. Benjamin spent $8.
3. Jordan spent less than 1/2 of his money.
4. Zachary did not spend 1/12 of his money.
5. Jordan spent $24.
6. The person that started out with $12, has $2 left after shopping.

 Jan 23, 2022

This logic question has been answered here already:






 Jan 24, 2022
edited by proyaop  Jan 24, 2022

6. $12 start --> $2 left = 5/6th money

          Alexander spent $10 at the

          mall and has $2 left.
5. Jordan spent $24

      he spent less than 1/2 of his money

         24 / (1/3) = 72    72 - 24 = 48

    Jordan spent $24 at the mall

    and has $48 kept.

7. Justin = $24 left   (1/2) yes 11/12 no 1/12 no

    24 / (1/2) = 48

    Justin spent $24 at the mall

    and has $24 left.

2. Benjamin spent $8 (1/12) yes 11/12 no

         8 / (1/12) = 96     96 - 8 = $88

    Benjamin spent $8 at the mall

    and has $88 left.

4. 11/12

    $60 start

   $60 * 11/12 = $55     60 - 55 = $5

    Zachary spent $55 at the mall

    and has $5 left.

 Jan 28, 2022

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