
This number 105^4 has a long sequence of positive consecutive numbers summing up to 105^4. The last term of the sequence is 15,592. What is the first term and the number of terms of this sequence? Thank you for help.

 Jul 29, 2019

Sum it up from 1 to 15,592 =121,563,028
121,563,028 - 105^4 =12, 403
12,403 x 2 =24,806
Sqrt(24,806) =157.499 =~158 - the first term
15,592 - 158 + 1 =15,435 - number of terms.

 Jul 29, 2019
edited by Guest  Jul 29, 2019

105^4   = 121550625


We can solve this as follows:


Suppose that the first term is 1  and the last term is  15592


Then....the sum of these terms is    (15592) (15593) / 2  = 121563028


Then the difference in the sums is    121563028 - 121550625  =  12403


So....we need to find out how many of the first n positive integers sum to  12403


So  we have


n ( n + 1) / 2 =  12403


n^2 + n  = 24806


n^2 + n  - 24806  =   0


The square root of   24806  ≈  157....


So.... we might guess that the factoriztion of this is  ( n - 157) ( n + 158)  =0


Expanding this gives us  n^2  + n - 24806  = 0


Taking the positive value of n shows that n  = 157


So.....the first 157 positive integers sum to  12403


Which means that the sum of the integers from 158 to 15592   gives us 105^4  =  121550625


So....the first term is 158    the last is 15592   and the number of terms is   15592 - 158 + 1  = 15435



cool cool cool  

 Jul 29, 2019

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