
Marvin the fly starts at \((0,0)\). Each step, Marvin moves one unit right or one unit up. He is trying to get to the point \((5,7).\) However, at \((4,3)\) there is a frog that will eat him if he goes through that point. In how many ways can Marvin reach \((5,7)\)?


I tried 757, but it wasn't right. 

This is what I tried:

 \(\frac{(5+7)!}{5!*7!}\)= 792 paths to (5,7). 

\(\frac{(4+3)!}{4!*3!}\)= 35 paths to subtract. 

792-35=757. But I guess that wasn't right.


Please help!

thank you!!! :D

 Apr 20, 2020

Here is some help ------> ClickThis. Since it says its a homework question I cant tell you the answer but if you still dont understand ask again!

 Apr 20, 2020
edited by AltShaka  Apr 20, 2020

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