
What's the area of this figure??

Right thriangle and parrallellogram

 Dec 3, 2014

Best Answer 


Alrighty- ethan! I figured it out!

The area of a parallelogram is this: Area = (base)(height)

The area of a triangle is this: Area = 1/2(base)(height)


The height of the parallelogram is 8 and the base is 20. Therefore:

Area = (8 cm)(20 cm)

Area = 160 cm^2


The upside down triangle then has a base of 6. We already know that the two bases equal 20, so 20 – 14 = 6. The triangle also has a height of 12.6. So....

Area = 1/2 (6 cm)(12.6 cm)

Area = 1/2 (75.6)

Area = 37.8 cm^2


Now, to find the area of the whole figure, you would just add the two areas together...

160 + 37.8 = 197.8


So, the area of the figure is 197.8 cm^2!!!

 Dec 3, 2014
Best Answer

Alrighty- ethan! I figured it out!

The area of a parallelogram is this: Area = (base)(height)

The area of a triangle is this: Area = 1/2(base)(height)


The height of the parallelogram is 8 and the base is 20. Therefore:

Area = (8 cm)(20 cm)

Area = 160 cm^2


The upside down triangle then has a base of 6. We already know that the two bases equal 20, so 20 – 14 = 6. The triangle also has a height of 12.6. So....

Area = 1/2 (6 cm)(12.6 cm)

Area = 1/2 (75.6)

Area = 37.8 cm^2


Now, to find the area of the whole figure, you would just add the two areas together...

160 + 37.8 = 197.8


So, the area of the figure is 197.8 cm^2!!!

BrittanyJ Dec 3, 2014

Thanks Britt!!!

 Dec 3, 2014

your welcome! Anytime! :)

 Dec 3, 2014

And I passed my semester with an 80%!!!

 Dec 3, 2014

Congrats!!! So proud of u!!! :)

 Dec 3, 2014

I answered 19 correct by myself,  5 wrong by myself....but I'm done with part 1!!!

 Dec 3, 2014

Nice! Now u have part 2!!! you can do it!

 Dec 3, 2014


 Dec 3, 2014

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