
going up a 10 mule hill in 2 hours what is your average speed

 May 12, 2014

Best Answer 


Ask Francis. He'll know.

 May 13, 2014

We have .....    Distance / Time = Rate


10 miles / 2 hrs.   =   5 miles / hr =  5 miles per hour

 May 12, 2014

@CPhill: You're actually wrong, the measure of length is mules, not miles.


Your average speed is 5 mules/hour, though depending on the unit, I guess accomodations can be made for miles and such.


So I guess the true answer is 5 units/hour, where units is any constant measure really.

 May 13, 2014

You are both wrong.

It is 10 mules/hour but that is not a speed.  I don't think that a mule is a distance.  

So we are not given enough information to answer this question!

 May 13, 2014
Best Answer

Ask Francis. He'll know.

Guest May 13, 2014

C'mon folks....let's be reasonable here.....don't you think, maybe, that the questioner accidentally hit the "u" key rather than the "i" key....since they are next to each other on the keyboard??

I believe my answer is just fine.........if we allow for a few hunan foibles along the way.....


 May 13, 2014

I believe my answer is just fine.........if we allow for a few hunan foibles along the way.... by CPhill


Your response seems reasonable. But we cannot squander opportunities when they present themselves. It’s so … hunan. (goog one, CPhill)

It takes a 10 Mule team to answer most math questions, here. However, it takes a 20 Mule Team to troll for humor. How come you deleted the “Recommendation to Admin”? GL should be honored to have an icon named after him. (Giddy-up Frances, before they start shooting at us).

BTW: His response to you is actually funny, but I doubt the humor was intentional. -----

@CPhill: You're actually wrong, the measure of length is mules, not miles. Your average speed is 5 mules/hour, though depending on the unit, I guess accomodations can be made for miles and such.


.... He really can talk too....  Are you sure you don’t want to undelete the post?

Melody, I am sure was busting your rump. Head mistresses know how to use rulers for more than measuring!

P.S. No comment on who made the original 10 mule post.

Your friendly neighborhood “mile” buster…

 May 13, 2014

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