You have to pay attention, never fool around, and study really hard to get good grades, and then if you keep doing that, the tests will be easier!
Hey zegroes, you there?
one plus one equals two
one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one plus one equals eight.
Hope it helps!
I think that the answer is 42. Check the calculator.
Chris, as I was reading, the numbers are the solutions for the variable. Just think of it...
For who is this question, Chris?
How many feet are in a meter, Chris?
(Continuing bioschip)
And after you get $30, you add the money that was left and you get $40, the original amount. (I am just saying for checking the work)
Thanks for the detailed answer, bioschip.
Para encontrar la mitad de 2+2, necesitas que sumar 2+2.
4 is 2+2.
Entonces, dividis el numero 4 por 2, y tu respuesta es 2.