Yes, the quotient is 84 and the remainder is 8.
If you use a calculator to divide 764 by 9 and get an answer like 84.8888888889 (the number in front of the decimal point, the 84, give you the quotient) and you want to find the remainder, do this:
first, subtract the number in fromt of the decimal point; subtract the 84, and you will have .8888888889 on your calculator;
then mulitply this long decimal by your original divisor (the 9); now, the answer on your calculator will be the remainder.
Example: find the quotient and remainder of 86 divided by 7.
Divide 86 by 7: 12.28571429 ---> the quotient is 12
Subtract the 12: .2857142857
Multiply by 7: 2 ---> the remainder is 2