
Nombre de usuarioGingerAle
Preguntas 4
Respuestas 740

9 abr 2017

This is unbalanced! I placed this inequity of inequality before the Board of Directors of Lancelot Link’s A.P.E., to determine the optimum and relative value of Heureka’s solution.  After a debate, the BoD agreed that Heureka should receive bananas and peanuts and the first answer should get the peels and shells.  All the votes were unanimous, save one. Chip Loki and Chimp Stanley holds Lancelot’s two votes by proxy, while he’s on assignment in Tahiti. 


Chimp Perceval, Chancellor of the Exchequer, calculated the conversion of the bananas and peanuts into 17 points divided between the two posts by Heureka. A board member requested the Chancellor of the Exchequer to explain the math. 


One standard banana equals 1 point times the board’s vote counts (one for each regular member and two for Lancelot) of eight (8) yeas and one (1) nay equals eight points under the reinstated point system. Points to be applied to Heureka’s first post (#2).


Forty-seven (47) grams of shelled peanuts equals 1 point times the board’s vote counts (one for each regular member and two for Lancelot) of nine (9) yeas and zero (0) nays equals nine points under the reinstated point system. Points to be applied to Heureka’s second post (#3).


Additional comments and actions during the board meeting:

A gripe about the single point each member can authorize instead of the five under the old system.

A short debate preceded the vote on whether to give points to both the posts or only to the final post. The debate yielded a consensus: because this is a binary question, Heureka’s posting of the solution twice with the second post having two numbers more colorful, is both apposite and quite funny.

Most of the Board members threw banana peels and peanut shells at the member who voted ‘nay.’ The acting CEO ordered them swept up and tabled until the final call for a vote to offer them to the first poster responding to the question.


For the final order of business the acting CEO, Chimp Loki, ordered the Chancellor of the Exchequer to turn over the expropriated bananas to the company barkeeper for conversion to banana daiquiris to be served, with the expropriated peanuts, to all board members.   There were no objections or points of order. 


The deliberative assembly of the Board of Directors of Lancelot Link’s A.P.E. is closed. 

8 abr 2017

Yes Ehrlich, CPC does write irritating posts: He often states the obvious as if it is some esoteric knowledge, and he magnifies the offal of social communication to the point where one can smell it.  Even so, all of his posts combined still have less of an offensive smell than any one of yours.  That you would choose the only post CPC made that is outside the above description to post your comments is very telling. 


Your comments are like throwing water on a grease fire—a very stupid thing to do.  You are the neighbor that bìtches about another neighbor’s yapping dog. So now, we get to listen to the yapping dog and the neighbor’s bìtching. 


Notwithstanding your impassioned objections, Herr Massow allows for social comments on this forum. He made a filter-controlled, provisional label for it: Off-topic. When it’s used, it does work. You need your own label, Ehrlich. A year ago, the forum’s Troll suggested one.


Here, Nauseated made a public suggestion for a label: “Batshit-Stupid,” appropriately named and recommended for BruceWayne (and others of comparable dumbness). Here, Naus expertly bites Mathbitch, who has the same attitude as you, Eherlich.


At the time of the posting, Naus privately communicated to me he may post another suggestion for a label: “Magische Gewehrkugel-Bìtcher” (Magic Bullet-Bìtcher).  The use of this label is for perpetual Bìtchers who believe their toxic griping will cure social ills.  The “Magic Bullet” comes from a concept postulated by Dr. Paul Ehrlich (1854 –1915), for a toxin that could be delivered along with an agent of selectivity for that organism.  That your name is linked to this label is not only funny, it’s prophetic. ROFL


There is one thing that is clear: The Clown Prince is dealing with his chaotic dark passengers well more efficiently than you are dealing with yours. You are making yours worse!

2 abr 2017

Ehrlich, you should read this post:


This is 14-year-old Dragonlance, articulating the nuances of web2.0calc’s social structure, in response to (who we now know as) our Blarney Banker. The Banker usually rants, but here he was even-tempered, probably because he was addressing Herr Massow.  


DL acknowledges and explains the obnoxious elements of any social forum that allows for unrestricted access and speech. 


“There many visitors who come and go as they please and the troll don’t collect his fare most of the time. There are some here who use the sidewalk instead of the bathroom, but that is true in any city or kingdom.”


In his final statement, he gives the Blarney Banker a valid suggestion:  “If you can’t stand this then go somewhere else. There are lots of sites you can answer questions and learn maths”


Ehrlich, this suggestion will work for you too.


What DL says is true; there are many math forums. Some are very good –with a few exceptions, they are mostly oriented to advanced education, but most orientated to lower level math are derelict and desolate, with many questions unanswered or answered incorrectly or poorly. These sites may have no social commentary, but they also have very little math commentary and that is supposed to be their purpose. They are little math ghost towns.  Guess what they all have in common. ... They are oriented to middle and high school students.  If the social part of the forum is restricted, the middle and high school members will just leave. Many of the college students will leave too, then this site will become a little ghost town (again).  


There is not another math forum like anywhere on the web. The undesirable social elements are a byproduct of this math forums unique nature. It is reasonable to expect this in any social environment--whether in a virtual or real world. It is also reasonable to expect some tolerance for young persons who are learning how to communicate socially, who are learning the different between assertive and aggressive behavior, and other allowable limits of social boundaries. This is a slow process. Their little brains are just starting to develop enough to have an advanced sense of ethics.


Here’s an example in progress:


Here, Cole2 is in the midst of an ethical dilemma.  To post or not to post, that is the question. Cole decides to post, with apologies to Sir CPhill, who has (apparently) taught and awakened him to his responsibilities for social ethics.  Kudos to Sir CPhill: Learning ethics is more important than learning mathematics. I do not believe anyone wants his or her kid throwing poo while quoting the Pythagorean Theorem. Next to parents, it is the teachers and tutors who guide children to reasonable dispositions in ethical behavior.


Cole2 is a kid. You seem older—not by much, but I suppose you’re in college, and you’ve made several social posts on here.

The first three are crude juvenile comments and there is nothing socially redeeming nor funny about them.  Isn’t it hypocritical to complain about social posts when you do this yourself? Your posts offend a lot more members than the hyperkinetic greetings of the younger members.


 Here are a few comments on your blarney.


“ and adding another forum is no big deal.”


Well then, just write the code and submit it to Herr Massow for his approval. I’m sure he’ll be impressed!


CONS: none (The way i see it)


For this one, I’ll borrow an answer from Dragonlance’s responses to the Blarney Banker’s criticism of the site calculator. (One of the funniest posts on here).  “Well your eyes aren’t very good. Maybe you need glasses. A brain would help too.”  


PROS: saves time.

i think one of the worst thing a site can be is a human- dependent site.

And this is not the only way to do this, obviously, but i think its a way you can (and should) use.


I can almost hear Rod Serling (or Naus) now, “Submitted as an on-topic consideration, Mr. Ehrlich: formerly a maker of magic bullets for troubleshooting; now, extinguished by his own creation in the early days of artificial unintelligence.”  



Your hash tag says “#MakeWeb2.0CALCGreatAgain” The fact is this site is Great and has been for more than the last three of its five years. That started when a trained and skilled teacher signed on. That teacher is Melody. She along with CPhill, Alan, and a few others created a reasonably stable virtual social environment where children and adults can learn mathematics, (physics and chemistry too), along with social etiquette.  it's amazing how well it has worked without your help! I think it also amazing how a 14-year-old seems to recognize this, ("They learn maths on here and maybe some manners too."),  when so many “adults” seem oblivious.indecision



In his most recent update, Andree Massow chose the icon of a knight to represent the moderators.  Is this a coincidence or did he choose this because of the forums Camelot-like mysticism?    This was the beginning:   ...and it continues to this day.  


Herr Massow should have put a crown for Melody. Sir Melody seems quite funny; although, “Dame Melody” fits very nicely.smiley



Now for an example of a funny social post: Here is Naus trolling Melody for a Valentine’s Day greeting. Naus appends this to the post in response to solicited suggestions from Melody.  Melody found this very funny. Who wouldn't find this funny and endearing?  I sure do. 


Here’s another dog that didn’t get what he wanted either.


Aside from being very funny, this is proof that every SOB doesn't get what he wants all the time.



30 mar 2017