
Nombre de usuarioGingerAle
Preguntas 4
Respuestas 740


After clicking on this link I heard a gobbling and clucking noise; I thought Mr. BB gave the forum a turkey for Thanksgiving. However on closer inspection, it’s easy to tell it’s just a chicken with a thyroid condition, stuffed with Blarney Dressing.   Yum!






\(\begin{array}{rcll} n &\equiv& {\color{red}3331} \pmod {{\color{green}231}} \\ n &\equiv& {\color{red}1361} \pmod {{\color{green}1247}} \\ \text{Set } m &=& 231\cdot 1247 = 288057\\ \\ \end{array}\)



\(\begin{array}{rcll} n &=& {\color{red}3331} \cdot {\color{green}1247} \cdot \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ [ {\color{green}1247}^{\varphi({\color{green}231})-1} \pmod {{\color{green}231}} ] }_{=\text{modulo inverse 1247 mod 231} } }_{=1247^{230-1} \mod {231} }}_{=1247^{229} \mod {231}}}_{=113} + {\color{red}1361} \cdot {\color{green}231} \cdot \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ [ {\color{green}231}^{\varphi({\color{green}1247})-1} \pmod {{\color{green}1247}} ] }_{=\text{modulo inverse 231 mod 1247} } }_{=231^{1246-1} \mod {1247} }}_{=231^{1245} \mod {1247}}}_{=637}\\\\ n &=& {\color{red}3331} \cdot {\color{green}1247} \cdot [ 113] + {\color{red}1361} \cdot {\color{green}231} \cdot [637] \\ n &=& 469374541 + 200267067 \\ n &=& 669641608 \\\\ && n\pmod {m}\\ &=& 669641608 \pmod {288057} \\ &=& 197140 \\\\ n &=& 197140 + k\cdot 288057 \qquad k \in Z\\\\ \mathbf{n_{min}} & \mathbf{=}& \mathbf{197140 } \end{array}\)


\(\small \text {Related formulas and principles compliments of Leonhard Euler }\scriptsize \text {(totient function),} \\ \small \text {Euclid of Alexandria }\scriptsize \text {(Extended Euclidean algorithm), and Brilliant Chinese mathematicians “Chinese Remainder Theorem” } \\ \small \text {LaTex layout and coding adapted from Heureka’s mathematical solution and Latex presentation:}\\ \)

23 nov 2017

It’s easy to see how someone might think I’m the subject of that photograph.  I posted my photo on here years ago. Despite my nifty hat covering my beautiful head, anyone can see the amazing resemblance by comparing the two.laugh

4 nov 2017

GOOD JOB!! Mr. BB. You sourced your quote, though Google isn’t the source. The quote is from:  

So . . .  no banana for you.


Also, your post is knot really an answer to his question.  From the context, his question should be read as “what is the linear value of one nautical mile at the equator?” 


Johannes von Gumpach makes the same error, using “knot” when he means “nautical mile” on page 253 of his book The True Figure and Dimensions of the Earth (1862


I use a quote from Gumpach’s book to partly answer the question


The explanation however will appear as simple, when as it is remembered that the nautical mile is an angular, rather than a linear measure, being one of 360x60=21,600 parts of the Earth's equatorial circumference whatever be the true linear value of that circumference. Hence considered as a linear measure it has as yet no definite value and its correctness depends absolutely on the correct linear measurement of an equatorial degree. If therefore the circumference of the Earth is taken too great by 166 or 167 miles, the nautical mile being one of its equal parts, and the subdivisions of the nautical mile or knots of the log-line__by which the distance sailed by a vessel is actually measured—are  likewise taken too great; and consequently, the linear distance sailed by a vessel when reduced to angular distance, is reduced by means of too  great a unit of measure; whence the number of nautical miles sailed both by computation and by the log-line, falls short of the true number.



This book is in the public domain. Here’s a link for a high-quality PDF image copy of an original book in the NY Public Library archive collection.  The next time I’m there, I may “check it out.”


Everyone should read this book—for both its highly erudite presentation of science and mathematics, and Gumpach’s elaborate and convoluted writing style. This book is a collection of wordy sentences, full of appositives, presented in nuanced, painful, pedantic detail. It’s a reasonable substitute for self-flagellation.


My favorite part is his criticism of Sir Issac Newton. I’m sure the Royal Astronomical Society received him with open arms and great fanfare.indecision

29 oct 2017