A fraction is a part of a whole.
Fractions have two parts: numerator and denominator
Numerator is the top part, saying how much is left over. For example: there are 2 pieces of pizza left over
Denominator is bottom, saying how much their was. For example: there were 8 pieces to start
From those two examples, the fraction would be 2/8.
You can simplify fractions. Find a number both numerator and denominator can be divided by. 2/8 can be simplified. Both 2 and 8 can be divided by 2. So the simplified fraction would be 1/4
Some fractions can't be simplified, like 2/7. 2 and 7 can only be divided by 1. Although you can't simplify 2/7, doesn't mean you can't find another fraction of the same value. 4/14=2/7 so there are still other fractions equal to 2/7, you just need to multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number, like 2
There are two other types of fractions: improper and mixed
Improper is where the numerator has a greater value than the denominator, like 9/4
Mixed is where improper fractions become "proper" with whole numbers. For example: 9/4 can be called 2 1/4 for a mixed fraction. They both have the same value
There you have it! The ultimate fraction lesson!