
Nombre de usuariojfan17
Preguntas 4
Respuestas 217




First of all, if I was really talking from an unknowledgeable perspective, what is your rationale behind me not noticing the logical fallacy presented by Cal? This makes no sense whatsoever. Cal tells us that :



The largest power of 2 that divides 20! is 2^18 .

The largest power of 3 that divides 20! is 3^8. 

We want the largest value of n that n is less than or equal to 8.


If I really had no knowledge of Legendre's formula like you so eagerly recommended, how would I have known anything about this kind of reasoning? If I was really uneducated and was looking at the steps Cal used as opposed to just the answer, I would've said "wait, how does this logic follow through"? Because if I didn't know anything about the subject, then I wouldn't have understood those last two lines at all. Your assumption here is just blatantly false.


Secondly, sure, say I buy your argument that there are many solutions on this forum presented from a knowledgeable perspective. Does that mean we should present all of our solutions from "a perspective that requires knowing the answer"? No, it does not by any means make us assume that our question-askers know what we're talking about. Rather, we should go through each step and explain the logic behind it. I'd argue that this is comparatively better than making them "learn the rote mechanics, and then the logic behind the process" themselves as you advocate for, because when we show question-askers the logic and decision-making calculus behind our steps, that allows them to go forward with more knowledge to tackle different types of these problems, which they can always combine with a bit of self-learning. We shouldn't just post the answer with logical leaps and expect our readers to understand. 


Thirdly, it was a mistake on my part to not fully explain Legendre's as you mentioned, however, I'm not trying to rip "Cal a new one for her incompetence", I'm trying to help her so she doesn't post misleading solutions that she doesn't fully understand; that just causes confusion for the question askers and everyone in general. 

25 mar 2020