
Nombre de usuariojfan17
Preguntas 4
Respuestas 217

22 mar 2020

Hi TGO, I'm not EP, but I'll give it my best shot.


Often times with problems like these, you start by looking at the discriminant of given quadratic. The discriminant is defined in an equation \(ax^2+bx+c = 0\) as \(\sqrt{b^2-4ac}\). If the discriminant is negative, then the roots are imaginary, and if it is non negative, then the roots are real. Let's look at the discriminant of this equation:

Given the quadratic


The discriminant would be:


We can write the inequality:

\(\sqrt{m^2-16} \geq 0\)

Squaring both sides, we get:

\(m^2-16 \geq 0\)

This factors out to:

\((m+4) * (m-4) \geq 0\)

With these types of problems, it's best to create a sign chart!

Although I don't have the means to create one as of now, I will explain all the cases in this "chart". 


The first case is where: 

\(m < -4\)

If this is true, then the first term(m+4) would be negative, and so would the second term, meaning that a negative * negative = positive, meaning that when m < -4, the inequality holds true.


The second case is where:

\(-4\leq m \leq 4\).

Testing numbers in this range, it's clear that none of them work. If m is negative but still greater than -4, the first term is positive, but the second negative, making the entire expression negative. If m is positive but less than 4, the second term is negative, and the first term is positive, still leaving the expression unsatisfied. It's clear that this interval doesn't work. Also realize that m can't be -4 or 4, because that would make the discriminant 0, meaning there's a double root(two of the same root). However, the problem says that the roots must be distinct


The third case is where:

\(4 < m\)

In this case, both terms are left positive, satisfying the inequality. 


This means that there are two intervals which we have:

\((-\infty,-4) \cup (4,\infty)\)

22 mar 2020

3. Let's first start off with the internal angle measurement of a regular hexagon. Each angle is equal to:

\(180-\frac{360}6 = 120\) degrees. If we drop a perpendicular to the smaller hexagon from a point like A, then we get two 30-60-90 triangles(since the smaller hexagon has interior angle measurement of 120, and the angles must add up to 180, so 120 + 30 + 30 = 180).


Let's then define the length of a side of the larger hexagon as x, meaning that the midpoint segments have length \(\frac{x}2\)

First, let's find the area of the larger hexagon. Because a regular hexagon is comprised of 6 equilateral triangles(they all have the same side length, with 60 degree interior angle measurements), the area is equal to the area of one of the equilateral triangles multiplied by 6. Given a side length x of an equilateral triangle, the area is equal to:


\((x^2*\sqrt{3})/4\), which can be derived from heron's formula or pythagoras' theorem( just name an arbitrary side of the equilateral triangle as x). With this in mind, the area of a regular hexagon with side length x would then be:

\((6*x^2*\sqrt{3})/4 = (3*x^2*\sqrt3)/2\)

Now that we have the area of our larger hexagon in terms of x, we need to find the area of the smaller hexagon in terms of x. We can accomplish this by dropping an altitude from point A to the smaller regular hexagon, forming a perpendicular bisector with that side.

We then have two 30 - 60 -90 right triangles, with the hypotenuse having length \(\frac{x}2\), and the 60 degree angle being at the angle bisector of \(\angle FAB\). The 60 degree leg(the side adjacent to the smaller hexagon) is then \(x/2 * \sqrt3/3\) (remember the ratios of a 30-60-90 triangle!).

We then have that the entire side of the smaller hexagon is \(2*x/2 * \sqrt3/3\)(because two 30-60-90 triangles make up the side of the smaller hexagon). The smaller side is then \(x* \sqrt3/3\). Using our area formula from earlier, we have that the area is equal to:

\(3*(x*\sqrt3/3)^2*\sqrt3/4 = x^2*\sqrt3/4\)

Our fraction is then equal to:

\((x^2*\sqrt3/4) / ((3*x^2*\sqrt3)/2) = (x^2*\sqrt3)/4 * 2/(3x^2*\sqrt3)\)

Cross multiplying and canceling out terms, we get:

\(2/12 = 1/6\) As our answer.

This method of finding the fraction is certainly more extreme in my opinion than other much faster solutions. One such way is just assuming the side length of the regular hexagon because the fraction will stay constant no matter the side length.

22 mar 2020