Life is meant to be something mysterious! We just explore new places, share moments with others, store our own memories, keep ourselves busy, and lots more!
However, people sometimes say "You are wasting life." But, life is just so complex so as long as we are doing something, we are not wasting it...but then we get into all the different perspectives....
Also, we have currencies, jobs, travel, and the feeling of interconnectedness which binds us together....then, we have hierarchies where people rule others and people behave in specific manners so as to avoid getting punished and sent to, we get some laws/morality rules enforced...
Inventions and constructing objects as well as math functions, numbers, and the various subjects we study in school are all part of life.
An interesting example: freedom = free doom [hidden in one word]...
Life is just all over the place. We don't know what to expect, but, sometimes we can predict what will happen. Other times, we just have to go with the flow and do something creative to keep ourselves on a path that makes us productive and keeps us from questioning other aspects of life or something.....lots more to comment on but the question about the meaning of life is interesting...what can we learn and what more is there...will we ever find the answer? In 300,000 years????? Or will climate change's deadly consequences result in our demise and what will sprout after that?