
Nombre de usuarioBosco
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Respuestas 576



Solve for y.  sqrt(50y) + (2)sqrt(18y)  =  2(sqrt(8y) + sqrt(72y)) – 5   


First, I'm going to take all the perfect squares out from under the radicals.   

It looks like that's what you did, but I think there's a mistake in the addition.   


            (5)sqrt(2y) + (6)sqrt(2y)  =  (4)sqrt(2y) + (12)sqrt(2y) – 5   


                                (11)sqrt(2y)  =  (16)sqrt(2y) – 5    


                                  (5)sqrt(2y)  =  5     


                                       sqrt(2y)  =  5 / 5  =  1           


                                                2y  =  1       


                                                  y  =  1 / 2    


check answer   


                               sqrt(50y) + (2)sqrt(18y)  =  2(sqrt(8y) + sqrt(72y)) – 5    


                               sqrt(25)   + (2)sqrt(9)     =  2(sqrt(4)    + sqrt(36))    –5    


                                         5    +    6               =        4          +   12           – 5    


                                                                 11  =  11    

Looks pretty good.    



28 jul 2023


@tastybanana ~~  That's what I thought, too, no solution.  But I decided to go through the motions, anyway, to find out where the problem broke down.  What I expected was a negative ratio as the answer.  I got a negative all right, but it turned out to be in a surprising place.    


Alice and Bob each have a certain amount of money. If Alice receives n dollars from Bob, then she will have 4 times as much money as Bob. If, on the other hand, she gives n dollars to Bob, then she will have 8 times as much money as Bob. If neither gives the other any money, what is the ratio of the amount of money Alice has to the amount Bob has?    


                                        (A + n)  =  4 • (B – n)   

                                         A + n    =  4B – 4n    

                                         A – 4B  =  –5n                   (1)    


                                         (A – n)  =  8 • (B + n)   

                                          A – n    =  8B + 8n   

                                          A – 8B  =  9n                    (2)   

Multiply both sides  

of (1) by 9                        9A – 36B  =  –45n              (3)    


Multiply both sides  

of (2) by 5                        5A – 40B  =    45n              (4)      


Add (3) and (4)               14A – 76B  =  0   


Add 76B to both sides               14A  =  76B   


Divide both sides by 76B   

                                                  14A          1    

                                                  ––––   =   ––    

                                                  76B           1                       


Multiply both sides by 76/14    

                                                      A          76                         38

                                                    –––   =   –––   reduces to   –––   

                                                      B          14                          7   


It works if you accept the  

concept of negative money.  

That is, n must equal –2 dollars.   


Say Alice has 38 and Bob has 7        

                                                     (38 + n)  =  4 • (7 – n)     

                                                      38 + n   =  28 – 4n    

                                                             5n  =  –10     

                                                               n  =  –2       


                                                     (38 – n)  =  8 • (7 + n)    

                                                      38 – n   =  56 + 8n      

                                                          –9n   =  18    

                                                               n  =  –2       


27 jul 2023


I drove to the beach at a rate of 40 miles per hour.  If I had driven at a rate of 50 miles per hour instead, then I would have arrived 45 minutes later.  How many miles did I drive?   


You mean 45 minutes earlier.  Obviously, if you drive faster, you get there faster.  


This problem makes use of

the following relationship:                   Distance = Velocity x Time  


                                                           D  =  V • T  


case 1                                                 D  =  (40) • (T)  

case 2                                                 D  =  (50) • (T – 45)  


Since the Distance is the same   

for both cases, let's set those      

distances equal to each other.              (50)(T – 45)  =  (40)(T)  


                                                               50T – 2250  =  40T  


Subtract 40T from both sides                  10T – 2250  =  0  


Add 2250 to both sides                                       10T  =  2250  


Divide both sides by 10                                           T  =  225   (this is in minutes)  


Divide minutes by 60 to get hours                           T  =  225 min / 60 min/hr  =  3.75 hours  


Plug this T back into original equation                     D  =  (40 mi/hr) • (3.75 hr)  =  150 miles  


27 jul 2023