You got it correct!
When I played it, it helped. Thanks!
You got me good, Anonymous.
Let me try.
That is the answer.
Yes, because if there are $${\mathtt{b}}$$ baskets on a table, and you want to find how many strawberry's there are, you find the answer.
The only thing that you do is add and multiply.
Hope it helps!
Okay. Ask sasini!
Maybe she knows!
Or the person that solves the riddle!
And you can recieve the ultimate prize: The king's crown and the first one in the honored section!
CPhill, answer!
You can get the king's prize!
You can win it!
Prize: $9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.99!
it is so easy that i am cracking up!
This is for CPhill.
What do you call a X that lives in the ocean?
You went colder!
So, what's the formula???
i think the riddles stop here.