Well, there's two different ways to answer it here, pick your preference.
Because you cannot divide anything by zero. It is phisically impossible to find a way to divide something by zero because zero goes into every numder infinite and no times.
24.6 miles = 30% of the trip
And you want 100% of the trip
So take 10/3 ( 100% divided by 30%) and multiply it by you current miles.
Answer is 82.
I was always taught rise over run where rise is how far the graph goes up and run is how far it travels.
Now that im thinking about it, it may be wrong. CPhill will correct me.
Sorry for any errors
You can write this as 10^3=x
Because logarithms find exponets, you can interchange between these to forms
LOGe(x)=i is the same as e^i=x
Whole numbers?
1-239,2-238,3-237,4-236, etc
There are literally infinite possibilities
That is too much thinking for me Phill lol
It means that x is squared aka it is * by itself like 2 to the second power is 2*2 but math people like to shorten things instead of going 2^10( tenth power) 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2