What are the differences when using sum of vectors and multiplication of vectors?
When you sum two vectors you just add corresponding components. There are two sorts of vector multiplication - your example refers to cross-multiplication.
Given that multiplication of vectors is not cummulative; is the order always the fist of x,y,z multiplied with the later?Why is it called cross multiplication? ie, cross multiplication C=AxB and C= AxBsin(Theta) and so on. It seems straight multiplication to me.
You are correct that cross-mutiplication is not commutative. If A and B are vectors then AxB is also a vector. It has magnitude ABsin(θ), where θ is the angle between them and A and B represent the magnitudes of A and B respectively, but it points out of the plane that contains A and B (in fact it is normal to that plane). The result of BxA is a vector of the same magnitude but it points in the opposite direction.
Your first image shows rxF is the vector M0. In this case r and F are at right-angles to each other so sin(θ) = 1 and M0 = rF. To find the direction of M0 use the right-hand rule. Hold your (right hand's) thumb, index and middle fingers at right-angles to each other, point your index finger in the direction of r, your middle finger in the direction of F and your thumb will be pointing in the direction of M0.