You are probably thinking of the approximation that sin(θ) ≈ θ when θ is very small. But this only holds when the angle is in radians. For example suppose θ = 0.1 radians (=5.73°)
$$\underset{\,\,\,\,^{\textcolor[rgb]{0.66,0.66,0.66}{360^\circ}}}{{sin}}{\left({\mathtt{5.73}}^\circ\right)} = {\mathtt{0.099\: \!840\: \!745\: \!983}}$$
So sin(0.1radians) = sin(5.73°) ≈ 0.1
Or sin(0.1radians) ≈ 0.1
sin(5.73°) ≠ 5.73
This is true whenever you have the sin of a small angle, no matter the context.