Note that you will see the LCM of all prime numbers is basically the multiplication of all the prime numbers. So, it'll be 3*5*7!
Yes, that works. It'll be easy to compare fractions then.
For 5, it would just be 1 X 5 --> 1^1 * 5^1...
Note, for 3,5,7
you would also have to add 3^0 and 7^0 to the list of 1^1 * 5^1 * ..... * .....
The 5^0 acts as a 1 as well as a way to differentiate the highest exponents for each number. If you have put all the possible different numbers, then it'll be easier to see which ones have the highest exponent.
First, find all prime factors. Then, find the highest exponent of each number and multiply all the numbers with the highest exponent. Basically, you will have 1 of each number.
Yes, since they are equal, you would "mentally" check off 5/8. You can just draw arrows leading to 5/8 and placing a bubbled circle if you want.
DS, I highly suggest you look at this website:
Here's an example:
I'll check the other question out.
Also, remember that 2/8 = 1/4, 6/8 = 3/4.