When you divide by a number, the greatest number of digits that it can have is 1 fewer than the number that you are dividing by.
For instance, 4/7 = .571428 571428 571428 ... (I added the spaces so that the number is easier to read.)
Notice that when dividing by 7, a block of 6 digits repeats.
(Some fractions don't repeat, like 1/2 = 0.5, and other fractions, like 2/3 = 0.6666 repeat a bock shorter than the number that was used for division -- only one digit repeats, but the number ws divided by 3.)
So 1/17 can have a block of, at most, 16 digits repeating.
1/17 = .05 88 23 52 94 11 76 47 05 88 23 ... (I used the calculator on this site to get these digits.)
It's up to you to keep the pattern going for 30 places.