\(k = x + y(1 - x) + z(1 - x)(1 - y)\\ k = x + y-xy + z(1-x-y+xy)\\ k = (x + y-xy) - z(x+y-xy)+z\\ k = (x + y-xy) (1- z)+z\\\)
The maximum of x+y-xy is 1 when x=1 and y=1
You can prove that by considering the case where x=1-t and y=1-m where t and m are (0,1]
If z=0 then we have 1*1+0 = 1
So I get a max of 1 when x=1,y=1 and z=0
There is also be a max of 1 when x=0, y=0 and z =1
I do not think that k can be bigger than 1